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What are Star Ratings?

With more than 27,000 financial products to choose from, making the right decision is harder than ever. 

Our Star Ratings give you the confidence to choose the right financial products, at a glance, thanks to an unbiased assessment of quality you can trust. 

  • Scored by experts
  • Highly recognised by consumers and financial professionals
  • Clear and consistent scoring approach
  • Covers the whole market

★ A basic product offering only a few features and benefits

★★ A product offering fewer than average features and benefits

★★★ A standard product providing an average level of features and benefits

★★★★ A product with a good level of features and benefits

★★★★★ An excellent product with a comprehensive range of features and benefits

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Explore categories

Our Star Ratings cover almost 100 financial product categories – everything from pets to pensions. Find the category you’re interested in below to compare products.

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Our experts

We’ve got 30 years’ experience in rating financial products, and our Star Ratings are based on expert analysis of key product features and benefits. 

Our expert team takes the hard work out of researching financial products by analysing over 4 million features. Then scoring them on a simple scale of 1 to 5.  

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Our methodology

We continually research and analyse products across the market to make sure our data is always relevant and up to date.

Throughout the year, we review market developments, conduct market research and hold open discussions with the industry to make sure we’re rating the most important product features. 

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The difference between expert Star Ratings and customer reviews

Our expert ratings give you an objective review based on fact, rather than opinion. Customer reviews, on the other hand, are based on one person’s experience, so they’re very personal. As an independent and unbiased industry standard for financial products across the market, our ratings are the simple, reliable way to make a smart choice. 

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What can we do for you?

Call us today on 01844 295 546 or email and let's start a conversation.

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