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Know your data plays a starring role  

We check 45,000 financial products and 4 million product features, every day. Then give you the power to combine these data insights and ratings with other metrics, including pricing information. So you can give your customers a fuller picture, and a richer experience that’s more likely to lead to a sale.

Our bespoke solutions range from data feeds and API provision, to fully hosted services. We design and build them to specification, in partnership with comparison websites and regulatory bodies.

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Stay up to date 

We do the hard work for you. We refresh our data every day, covering all the products you offer within your quote services and comparison tools. Integrate our data and ratings within your own systems via APIs or a data feed, to give your customers access to the most up-to-date information.

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Offer more choice

Our current and historic data covers a wealth of products. Give your customers the latest rates for mortgages, credit cards, loans and savings; show them features and add-ons for a range of insurance products. All underpinned by our unbiased ratings. 

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Deliver exceptional experiences

We’re here to help you create seamless comparison journeys that keep your customers on your site.  With our data, they can find the most suitable products for their budget and needs, based on quality of cover, not just price.

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How our data services work

Accurate data

Full and accurate product information means customers can make comparisons with confidence. So they’re more likely to make their decision and purchase from your site.

Expert ratings

Using our objective ratings, customers can instantly see the overall quality of the products they’re considering, instead of relying solely on price.

Full market coverage

With thousands of financial products and millions of product features, your customers can make decisions using facts not opinions.

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Partnering with us

Working with Defaqto brings you more than just market-leading products and data. Our world-class service means you’ll also enjoy access to our expertise and ongoing support. 

Our insight experts are always happy to discuss the product and industry landscape as it relates to your own business. While personalised training options for you and your staff are available to help you get the most out of our services. 

"Strengths-wise, Defaqto has a lot of data points that often we don't get direct from our insurers, even though they are mandated to provide said information."
Comparison Website customer Defaqto market research 2022
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What can we do for you?

Call us today on 01844 295 546 or email and let's start a conversation.

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