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Broker Compare
"Unlike price comparison sites, the Defaqto Compare dashboard presents the information in a way that encourages the client to consider quality and suitability as well as price – showcasing key features between policies, and facilitating greater transparency over what ‘value’ truly looks like."
Louise Pengelly, Proposition Director at Paymentshield

A clear view of the market for you and your customers

A visual comparison of financial products across the market helps consumers make informed decisions on the right product for them. Based on value and quality, rather than just price. 

For financial product providers the opportunities are even more powerful: to have more meaningful conversations with customers about products and features; and increase sales and renewals. Plus, it’s a great way to understand the competition and develop new compelling propositions. 

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Increased conversions

Create like-for-like product comparisons to show customers where products or policies differ in terms of features, cover and rates. This helps move the comparison from price to value and suitability. 

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Market insight

Get the inside track on the products that have been launched, updated or withdrawn with our regular automated colour-coded change reports – and respond quickly to market changes.


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Covering the whole market

We have the largest financial product database in the UK, covering:

  • general insurance
  • life and protection
  • retail banking
  • wealth management.
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Instant, detailed comparisons of financial products across the market

Your product’s the star

Like-for-like product comparisons show product strengths and weaknesses, so customers – and your own teams – can see exactly how they stack up.

Tailored to you

Compare is available for all product categories in a number of different channels, including: online, call centres, renewal portals and bespoke comparison journeys.

A whole market view

Our research and analysis covers every single financial product on the market.

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Partnering with us

Working with Defaqto brings you more than just market-leading products and data. Our world-class service means you’ll also enjoy access to our expertise and ongoing support. 

Our insight experts are always happy to discuss the product and industry landscape as it relates to your own business. While personalised training options for you and your staff are available to help you get the most out of our services. 

See Compare in action

Sign up for a free demo

Your personalised demo will show you how:

  • Compare can support your customer journeys
  • frontline staff can use Compare during customer conversations.

Get in touch

Call us today on 01844 295 546, email or complete the form.

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